Pop! Running Teen Academy
Does your child love sport but is not really a fan of running?
Are they competitive but held back by a lack of speed or stamina?
Or do they just need some more physical confidence?
These are a few reasons why parents bring their kids to us at Pop! Running.
Despite kids being naturally athletic, strong and energetic, they can still become disconnected from their natural running ability.
We see kids of all ages that aren’t able to properly engage their core and glutes when running, and it makes it hard, tiring, and less fun for them.

You'll Be Amazed How Quickly Your Child Can Improve And Learn To Love Running
- Kids bodies are mobile and quick to adapt
- Sporting groups and school sports are great at building resilience and a training ethic
- But what if your child just doesn't love or even enjoy running?
That’s what we’re all about at Pop! Our Sunshine Coast-based Kids Training Academy is designed to inspire and instil a love of running in your child. We find that once we show them how to run naturally and with ease, they no longer feel like their fighting their body and they start to enjoy it more.
You’ll be amazed how much more fun – and effective – running can be when you learn how to do it with ease. We want all kids to have a love of running and movement, and we’re here to show them how to use their natural capacity for movement and adaptable bodies to take their running to another level.
What Separates Us?
From the moment you engage us, it’s our obsession to not only deliver remarkable results – it’s to give you the best experience imaginable.
Our mission is to show your child to run with ease, enjoy it and gain confidence. Sam and Sian have over 40 years of combined running experience, as well as over 30 years of teaching and coaching experience. With a former primary school teacher in Sian, and a competitive runner in distances from 5k to 100 miles in Sam, your kids are learning from people who walk the walk and are passionate about sharing their skills through teaching and coaching.
Here are just a few of the reasons why runners choose Pop! Running to help their kids achieve their running goals faster.
Making it fun first
We know that kids are not inspired by just being told what to do.
Our academy program is designed with fun in mind, we want to challenge and motivate your child by providing engaging, interactive and enjoyable sessions which foster confidence.
Building strength and skill
We know how quickly kids can learn and adapt.
In our academy sessions we layer the key components of a strong body and good running technique, week after week, so that your child grows stronger, more confident and more capable after every session.
Get results fast
The techniques and strategies developed by Sam in teaching running are unique and have been proven to get results fast.
You'll see your child improve and grow after every session, and we truly hope that we can inspire them to maintain a love of running for live.
<span data-metadata=""><span data-buffer="">The 5 Week (Re-) Bootcamp
Our (re-)bootcamp will help your kids (re)discover a love of running.
Five fun 1 hour sessions spread over five weeks focusing on technique and strength to boost your kids running performance. The sessions are playful, engaging and motivating. Just what kids love 🙂
At the end of the course you can expect your child to:
- Enjoy running more
- Improve speed
- Have better stamina
- Boost their confidence
Every week for 5 weeks starting on Friday 11th and Monday 14th of August, at 4pm (choose a day)
Sunshine Coast Hockey Association, Ballinger Park Sports Complex
Suitable for:
Kids / Teens from approx. age of 10 to 16 who want to improve their running.
The program is designed to benefit participants of all sports that include running such as Soccer, Rugby, AFL, Basketball, Netball and of course, Athletics and the like.
Don’t miss out. Places are strictly limited to 12 to assure individual coaching.
Term 3 sessions start Friday 11th and Monday 14th of August.
Sign up below now